• (+233) 31 229 4061
  • info@rainbowmis.edu.gh
  • P. O. Box TD 1155, Tarkwa-Nsuaem
  • Admissions Process

    Applying to our Montessori School is a crucial step in the admissions process. This step allows us to gather essential information about your child and your family, ensuring we can provide the best educational experience.
    Fill Out Form
    Applying to our Montessori School is a crucial step in the admissions process. This step allows us to gather essential information about your child and your family, ensuring we can provide the best educational experience.
    Admission Form
    rmis-graduation (7)


    Download Boys's Prospectus
    Download Girls's Prospectus
    Download RMIS Academic Calendar

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. General

    The school is located at Tarkwa Nsuaem, in the Tarkwa-Nsuaem municipality of the western Region of Ghana

    Yes, the school is both boys and girls

    The school is both Day and Boarding. We admit students from primary to the Junior High School levels

    At stage 9 (which is Junior High School level 3), boarding house is compulsory. This is to help the school prepare the children adequately and devoid of any external preasures from home.

    We run Ghana Education Service curiculum in all levels from creche to Junior High School.

    School fees can only be paid by cash in person at the accounts office, or by transfer through our school MoMo accounts, or through bank transfer to the school’s bank account

    2. Attendance Timekeeping

    School opens at 6.30am and closes at 3.00pm

    Place a call to the school authorities for an arrangement to be made to get her to school or come to the school with your ward.

    Place a call to the school authorities for alternative arrangement to be made

    Yes, but the school althorities must be made aware of any such arrangment for the security of your ward

    Kindly communicate this to the head of school, any of the school authorities and or through your ward’s facilitator with a letter via WhatsApp, phone call or email, stating the reason(s) for the permission.

    The school runs from Monday to Friday except on statutory public holidays within the term where we observe. The school runs from September to August, all in three terms of approximately 13-14 weeks per term.

    Every child is mandated to be all present during the term, however, depending on the circumstances, a special arrangement for this dispensation could be sort from the school authorities

    The school management will always communicate such forced closures to parents through emails, school whatsapp platforms, SMS messages and public announcements.

    3. Meals & Drinks

    Bus fees are paid termly or montly depending on your pre arrangement with the school. Some parents also opt for weekly payment.

    Lower primary 1st break is 10am to 10.20am and lunch or second break is from 12pm to 12.20pm

    Upper primary and JHS 1st break is 11.00am to 11.20am and lunch or second break is from 1.00pm to 1.20pm

    Unfortunately, there is no free lunch. However, management during special occasions offer such courtesies to our children

    Yes, the school provides drinking water for children while in school.

    The school runs a snackbar where snacks can be purchased by pupils.

    The school allows parents to celebrate their children birthday on campus. The school authorities have to be notified for such arrangements to be made

    Schedule for dialy meals served per day to the student can be found on the school website. Parents could assess through https://www.rainbowmis.edu.gh

    4. School Uniform

    School uniform is available only on campus and parents can source it throgh the accounts office

    5. Health Issues

    The admission form makes provision for parents to furnish the school with the medical records of their children. It is the responsibility of parents to provide credible information about their children medical records to the school authorities for monitoring and control purposes.

    You need to communicate to the school authorities for permission

    This will depend on the doctor’s instruction concerning the fitness of the child. The school must be informed on any such situation

    The policy of the school is to first of all get a first aid for the child and communicate such incidence to the parents. In worst situation, the child will always be rushed to the hospital for treatment while awaiting the arrival of the parents

    6. Transport Parking

    Yes, while waiting to pick up your child during closing time

    No. the school runs a bus system where we pick children from all locations. You only have to register your child to board the bus to and fro school.

    Place a call to the school authorities to report the incidence and make alternative transportation arrangement or come to the school with your child in person.

    Depending on the location, but the pickup time starts from as early as 6.00am

    All children boarding the bus must get to their various destinations latest before 4.30pm. However, when any unforeseen circumstances occurs, parents will be informed prior to the arrival of their children with the reasons for the delays

    Bus fees are paid termly or monthly depending on your pre arrangement with the school. Some parents also opt for weekly payment.

    8. Concerning Education

    The school has a period set aside where parents are allowed to meet one on one with the facilitators (called Parents-Teachers-Interaction), where academic work and the progress of students are discussed in person together with the students. You need not to be worried as the school will take all necessary action to assist the academic progression of your child. We also have a booster program where children who lack certain things are taken through that for enhancement purposes.

    English language is a requirement in our educational system and also a major medium of communication and teacher instructions. The school has a club called English club where students are taken through for studies and coaching

    The academic progression of your child is our utmost priority. We prepare our students not only for a higher school, but also for life.

    Yes, the academic faculty of the school is much aware of the misuse of jargons for pleasures by student. The policy of the school on this is very clear and all students are guided by what they speak

    The school runs other programs such as UCMAS, Science club, English club, Music section, reading and Spelling Bee, Robotic club, Cadet, sports etc. for student’s engagements and talents.

    7. Parent – Child Communication

    Parents wanting to talk to a teacher during school time must do so through the head of school for clearance before execution.

    Kindly place a call to the school head for permission to be granted before access

    We communicate with parents through WhatsApp platform, telephone calls, SMS messaging, emails and public announcements

    The school has various platforms where children express their views and thoughts on issues concerning the school, their education and welfare.